Somatic Therapy→

What is Somatic Therapy Theory?

Embodiment and Healing

Somatic therapy focuses on the awareness and experience of the body from traumatic memories. Practitioners believe that emotions and psychological states are reflected in bodily sensations, and by tuning into these sensations in a safe space, individuals can gain insight into their emotional and mental well-being.

Mind-Body Connection

Somatic therapy recognizes the intricate relationship between the mind and body. It explores how psychological issues can manifest as physical symptoms and vice versa, causing discomfort. The goal is to address both aspects to promote holistic healing.  This is different from traditional talk therapy.

Trauma-Informed Approach

Many somatic therapy theories place a strong emphasis on understanding and addressing trauma stored in the body due to life experiences. This involves recognizing how past traumatic experiences may be stored in bodily tissues and working towards releasing and processing these stored emotions.

Movement and Breathwork

Somatic therapy often incorporates movement, meditation and breathwork techniques to help individuals release tension, increase body awareness, and promote overall wellness. This may involve exercises, gentle movements, or mindfulness practices that connect breath and movement.

What Can Somatic Counseling Help With?

Somatic Therapy is a therapeutic approach that may address various aspects of emotional well-being such as burnout or choronic stress.  It's important to note that Somatic Therapy is not limited exclusively to the below scenarios, and its applications may extend to other concerns related to attachment patterns and interpersonal dynamics.

Processing and Releasing Trauma

Somatic therapy focuses on the connection between the body and the mind, recognizing that trauma is stored not only in thoughts and emotions but also in the body, sometimes causing chronic pain. Techniques such as guided body awareness, breathwork, and movement are used to help individuals release and process physical tension, allowing for the discharge of stored trauma energy. This can contribute to a reduction in somatic symptoms and an overall sense of relief.

Regulating the Nervous System

Traumic events often dysregulates the nervous system, leading to states of hyperarousal or hypoarousal. Somatic therapy aims to regulate the nervous system by incorporating imagery techniques that promote grounding, relaxation, and mindful awareness of bodily sensations. This regulation supports individuals in developing a greater sense of safety and stability, which is crucial bodywork for trauma recovery.

Expressing and Integrating Emotions

A somatic therapist provides a space for the expression and integration of emotions through the body. Techniques such as movement, breathwork, and body awareness exercises allow individuals to safely explore and express emotions that may be difficult to articulate verbally. This somatic expression through body work can contribute to a deeper understanding and processing of emotions related to trauma.

Somatic Therapy FAQs

Have questions? We’re here to help.

  • What is Somatic Trauma Therapy?

    Somatic trauma therapy is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on healing and recovering from trauma through the body. It recognizes that trauma is not just an emotional experience but also leaves a deep impact on the physical body. Somatic trauma therapy helps individuals understand and release traumatic experiences stored in their body, promoting healing and resilience.

  • Does Somatic Therapy really work?

    Somatic therapy has been shown to be highly effective modality in addressing a wide range of issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders. Research has consistently demonstrated the benefits of somatic therapy in reducing symptoms, improving emotional regulation, and enhancing overall well-being.

    One reason why somatic therapy is so successful is because it acknowledges the interconnectedness of the mind and body. By working with both the physical and psychological aspects of an individual's experience, somatic therapy can promote deeper healing and lasting change.

  • How Can I Prepare for My First Somatic Therapy Session?

    Preparing for your first somatic therapy session can help you make the most out of your experience. Consider reflecting on your therapy goals and expectations, as well as any concerns or questions you may have. Communicate these to your somatic therapy practitioner, fostering open dialogue and ensuring that your needs are met. Additionally, you may find it helpful to consider your previous experiences with somatic experiencing or talk therapy, as well as any insights or observations about your mind-body connection. Arriving with an open and curious mindset, along with allowing yourself adequate self-care after the session, sets the stage for a transformative somatic therapy journey.

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